There are around 6.5 million people with chronic heart failure in Europe and around 5 million in the USA.1
Your risks of having heart failure increase with age, and in particular increase when you are more than 75 years old.1,2
About 50% of heart failure patients have some form of iron deficiency, with and without anaemia.3,4


Understanding chronic heart failure

Heart failure is a term used to describe a heart that cannot keep up with its workload.

How frequent is heart failure?

As stated in the European Society of Cardiology 2021 guidelines, in developed countries, the age-adjusted incidence of heart failure may be falling, presumably reflecting better management of cardiovascular disease, but due to ageing, the overall incidence is increasing. Currently, the incidence of heart failure (HF) in Europe is about 3/1000 person-years (all age-groups) or about 5/1000 person-years in adults5.

The prevalence of heart failure is approximately 1–2% of the adult population in developed countries, rising to more than 10% among people over 70 years of age. As studies only usually include recognized / diagnosed HF cases, the true prevalence is likely to  be higher5.

What are the common causes of heart failure?

There are several potential causes of heart failure, all of which have the common thread of weakening the heart. Heart failure can be caused by cardiovascular issues such as heart attack, coronary artery disease (damage to the inside of the blood vessels of the heart), and hypertension (high blood pressure), as well as other diseases and conditions, such as diabetes and obesity.

Lifestyle factors, such as smoking and lack of activity, play a significant role, as they are often what give way to some of these concerns. A genetic condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is a fairly common cause as well6.

  • Genetics
  • Obesity
  • Inactivity
  • Heart attack
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Somking
  • Hypertension

What are the common symptoms of heart failure?

Explaining the impact of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency, which can be present independently of anaemia, is present in up to 55% of patients with chronic HF 5. It may be caused by increased loss, reduced intake or absorption (e.g. malnutrition, gut congestion) and/or impaired iron metabolism caused by the chronic inflammatory activation of heart failure, although the exact cause of iron deficiency in heart failure remains unknown.5 Iron deficiency may impair functional capacity, precipitate circulatory decompensation, promote skeletal muscle dysfunction, and is associated with frailty, irrespective of anaemia5.

In patients with heart failure, iron deficiency is associated with reduced exercise capacity, poor quality of life, risk of hospitalisation, increased all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality, and increased costs8. Patients with heart failure should be regularly screened for iron deficiency and anaemia by their doctor.

  • Reduced exercise capacity
  • Poor Quality of Life
  • Increased risk of hospitalisation
  • Increased all-cause and CV mortality
  • Increased costs


为什么您面临风险? 为什么您面临风险?


警告体征 警告体征


咨询您的医生 咨询您的医生

如果您已被诊断出患有慢性心力衰竭,那么您将很可能与您的医生进行随访约诊,以检查您在使用您的心脏药物的情况下有何变化。您可以利用这个机会讨论您正在出现的任何其他症状,或者预约额外一次就诊,这样您和您的医生都将有充足的时间。为了帮助您记住所有您想问的问题,请事先做笔记。这样您就能得到医生可能需要的所有信息。可通过血液检查来检查您的铁水平 – 点击此链接了解更多关于血液检查和结果含义的信息。

治疗选择 治疗选择







如果您已被诊断出患有慢性心力衰竭,那么您将很可能与您的医生进行随访约诊,以检查您在使用您的心脏药物的情况下有何变化。您可以利用这个机会讨论您正在出现的任何其他症状,或者预约额外一次就诊,这样您和您的医生都将有充足的时间。为了帮助您记住所有您想问的问题,请事先做笔记。这样您就能得到医生可能需要的所有信息。可通过血液检查来检查您的铁水平 – 点击此链接了解更多关于血液检查和结果含义的信息。

