
meet emily

32 years old | engaged | professional*

I started getting dizzy if I stood up too quickly whilst I was at university. My mum gave me some supplements to take, but I thought these pills wouldn’t help me, and that my dizziness was simply because I was busy studying and seeing friends. A few years later, when I was promoted at work, the dizziness got really bad. Sometimes I had to sit back down again so that I didn’t pass out. I got headaches and was really exhausted all the time; too tired to go out with my friends. My fiancé said I was crankier than I used to be too. My new job means I work long hours and have trouble sleeping because I’m worrying, so I always put my symptoms down to having a hectic life.

I didn’t realise my periods were unusual until I was chatting to a close friend about feeling tired. She was surprised how long my periods last and that I have to get up in the night to change my towel. I did notice that I felt the most tired and dizzy when I had my period though, so I did think that maybe my periods were affecting me.

The tiredness bothered me the most. The world seemed foggy all the time, I couldn’t concentrate and sometimes I had to really fight to stay awake, even at work. If I slept on the weekend I would feel a bit better, but even a long lie-in didn’t really help. I like photography and if I went out to take photos or went to an exhibition I felt less stressed – but then I was too exhausted to do anything in the evening.

With the wedding coming up I realised I couldn’t go on struggling from day to day anymore, so went to my doctor. She said that my periods, and therefore the loss of iron, could be one of the causes why I feel so exhausted. I had blood tests done for anaemia and to check my iron levels, and it turns out that I do have iron deficiency anaemia, caused by my heavy periods. The doctor has started treatment and I already feel better. I’m hoping now I’ll have the energy to do all the things I want to do, and really enjoy my wedding and time with my new husband!


* Not an actual patient


HQ-NA-2100153. Date of preparation: September 2021